Pushee: Share Smarter®Pushee was made to create a better experience for you and your social media followers by changing the way people share with each other. Pushee users create “Channels” - one for each of the different groups of followers in their life, and post relevant content there. For example, you may have one Channel where you post content for your family, another for your friends and another for those people who share your passion (i.e. music) or hobby (LARPing) or favorite pastime (Italian cooking). By separating your content into these Channels, Pushee makes sure that your posts and messages always reach just the right people. Pushee works differently in two other important ways - First, only YOU can post content into your Channels. Let’s face it, people follow you to see what YOU have to say, not what your other followers think about it. Next, only YOU can see the comments that your followers post. With Pushee there’s no cross-talk and no place for trolls to hang out, since none of your followers will ever see anyone’s comments but their own.We pledge to our users that we will not restrict their content merely because we may not personally approve of, or agree with it. Of course, if we or our users find someone who uses Pushee in a way that breaks our rules we will step in and take necessary action. But by and large we at Pushee are a diverse bunch of people with many differing opinions and beliefs, and we built a platform to allow the safe and civil expression of all of them.Finally, Pushee doesn’t collect and share a ton of your personal information with outsiders, or with other Pushee users, so you don’t have to be concerned about your privacy being invaded by some big corporation. We made Pushee in order to put YOU in control of your social media sharing. https://www.pushee.com/terms/privacy-policy.htmlTry it and see for yourself. Pushee - Share Smarter®.